Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Dear Sophia,

Today. Today I have been searching for a lawyer who can help us see your half-sister, Onnamaria. For over a month, we struggled to get her mother to even respond to us, and now she's refusing to let Daddy have someone there with him to prevent the kind of accusations which have been thrown at him before. So far my search has been fruitless, but I will eventually prevail! When Mommy is determined about something, it gets done, one way or another. Daddy may not get to spend much time with you (not that he wouldn't LOVE to get to snuggle you all hours of the day), but I'm doing my best to make sure he can see his other little princess.

My obstetrician appointment was yesterday. We're pretty sure the nurses from the hospital told him how we'd been feeling, because he was a lot more attentive and talkative than usual. Although I wish he'd given me a meaningful picture of you, the visit was nice. He told me he'd been praying for us, and praying that we'd be blessed with a healthy baby next. He checked your heart rate (a healthy 140bpm) and did a pelvic exam to see if anything more had happened. (I haven't progressed dilation-wise, but that's okay. It'll happen when it's supposed to happen.) He then reminded me that both he and Grandma are there for me if and when I need to talk to someone, and we were soon on our way. I think the whole visit took fifteen minutes, but I was more satisfied about this visit than others in recent months. 

Yesterday, I posted something on my Facebook account, which I want to include here for those who may not have seen it:

"Thank you to all those who have been so thoughtful throughout the last several months. We have felt very loved and cared-for. This has not been easy but it has been a great time of learning and growth which I believe we were always intended to have. The Gospel is true and the Lord loves us. He has not left us alone in this time of trial, and has been so generous in sending so many angels to tend to us. Thank you again."

That's it for now. I love you sweetie!



  1. Why doesn't Charles have shared custody with Onnamaria? What is he being accused of?

  2. Well, Anonymous, that's a long story. Short of it is he couldn't afford a lawyer and she had already used the free legal help system in Iowa to fight against the father of her first child so they refused to help him. She accused him of being mostly emotionally abusive and occasionally physically abusive, although all she has is her word to back that up. That, mixed with him not having a lawyer, is why she got sole custody.
