Friday, August 24, 2012


Dear Sophia,

I have something I need to get out. There have been suggestions that hurt feelings could keep certain individuals from coming to see you after you are born. All I have to say is something I have already said: if you miss it, you miss it. There is no reconciliation on earth which will bring you, our angel, back to us for them, or anyone, to enjoy. If this momentous occasion is missed due to those reasons, I will not sit and listen to complaints when there was more than enough opportunity to have the experience they will wish they'd had years down the road. That's all I'm going to say about that.

I would also like to extend an invitation to those who care about you and our family to come support us at the hospital if they are able. For those who do come, I will have a small notebook where you will be able to write a message, if you desire, or just your name to make it clear you were there. I had a dear friend who has experienced a similar situation tell me most things that day will be a blur for me. From what I understand, giving birth can be traumatic enough without having to deal with a loss at the same time. I'm sure I will treasure any record created during that blur.

I understand that there are those who cannot handle death, and that's completely fine. I don't want anyone going too far out of their comfort zones. I just want it to be clear for those who can handle something like this, that this is a one-time only deal. There are no guarantees for anyone involved with this birth. All we can do is pray and be grateful for any time we get. Speaking of which, here is a quick run-down of how we're wanting things to go:

Daddy and I would like to be the only ones in the delivery room (except for the hospital staff and perhaps our cross-over hospital staff/friend photographer) while I'm in labor. After that, if your spirit hasn't left us yet, Daddy and our other male family and friends who are already at the hospital (there will be no waiting for anyone who isn't there, as no time amount of time is guaranteed) will give you a name and a blessing. No tests will be run, as there is no need, so we will just be cherishing the time we have with you. We love you sweetheart. I can't wait to meet you and enjoy the blessing of your very existence.


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