Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kicking Machine

Dear Sophia,

You're a kicking machine now! Daddy hasn't been able to feel you yet (believe me, he's tried) but he will soon! I'm actually getting to enjoy being pregnant with you again. It's kinda fun to watch my belly pooch out because you're getting so big. At my last visit, although I was only supposed to be about 19 weeks and 3 or 4 days, you were measuring anywhere from 19 weeks, 6 days to 20 weeks, 1 day. I'm so proud of you! Babies with your condition don't always grow well like they're supposed to, but you're chuggin' right along. I'd guess you're measuring about 21 weeks already. I already know you're going to be beautiful - you've got everything going for you. Sweetie, do you know if we're gonna have a little sister for you sometime in the future? Just curious. I was dreaming about the name Felicity. Wouldn't that be cute? Sophia and Felicity Lacey. I'm sure you'd be quite the pair. As it is, I'm pretty sure you're gonna have a little brother sometime. I'm not so great with boy names right now, though. I've got your sweet, angel self on the mind.

In other news, I had my first migraine accompanied by an aura last night. It was pretty scary! I got up to turn on the lights in the room, and a few minutes after I sat down, I started seeing what I described as a kaleidoscope of colors all over the right side of my vision and a little bit in the left. At the time, I was on the phone with Daddy but I didn't want him to freak out. I told him I was gonna let him go, and called Grandma. She listened patiently while I was explaining my situation. When I was finished, she said not to worry - that it was just a migraine aura. Nothing was wrong with my vision. I was so relieved! Afterward, I called Daddy back and talked to him for a few minutes before he got home. By the time we went to bed, my head hurt pretty badly and it still isn't awesome. But I'm okay! And so are you. You've been kicking all day.

I've been trying to plan something special for Daddy. Ideas? They would be much appreciated. 

I love you sweetie,

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